Super Silver Haze cannabis is a highly sought-after strain known for its vigorous haze with a succulent indica tinge. If you’re interested in growing this iconic strain, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the genetic lineage of Super Silver Haze, its effects, and most importantly, how to successfully cultivate this remarkable plant.
The Genetic Lineage of Super Silver Haze
Super Silver Haze is a crossbreed created by the renowned Greenhouse Seed Company, the same company that introduced White Widow and Neville’s Haze to the world. It emerged from the Dutch seed scene in the 1990s and quickly gained popularity. This hybrid strain is a genetic blend of Skunk #1, Northern Lights, and Neville’s Haze, with genetics of approximately 80% sativa and 20% indica.
The lineage of Super Silver Haze can be traced back to the legendary Haze sativa hybrid, also known as Original Haze. The Haze brothers initially developed this hybrid by crossing a Mexican landrace sativa with a Colombian landrace strain. They then crossed the best female flowers from this cross with Southern Indian landrace and Thai landrace strains. The first haze strain to hit the market in the 1970s was Purple Haze, which gained popularity despite its pure sativa genetics that made it challenging to grow indoors.
The Effects of Super Silver Haze
Super Silver Haze is known for providing a unique and unparalleled high that sets it apart from other strains. More than half of its users report feeling ultimate happiness and a strong heady “high” after smoking this strain. Unlike pure haze strains that can be overwhelming, Super Silver Haze offers a more grounded experience while still delivering a potent cerebral buzz. It is known to diminish stress, increase alertness, and soothe the entire body. Additionally, Super Silver Haze has various medical uses, including relief from chronic pain, muscle soreness, nausea, and a lack of appetite. It is also beneficial for managing anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
Growing Super Silver Haze
Growing Super Silver Haze requires patience and attention to detail, but the rewards are well worth the effort. This strain thrives in warm, humid environments with temperatures ranging between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Whether you choose to grow indoors or outdoors, there are several techniques and considerations to keep in mind.
Indoor Growing
When growing Super Silver Haze indoors, it is recommended to use training methods such as low-stress training (LST) and the screen of green (ScrOG) technique to control its growth and maximize yields. LST involves gently bending and tying down the branches to create a more even canopy, while ScrOG utilizes a screen or garden netting to support the growth of the plants. By implementing these techniques, you can increase the number of flowering sites and promote better light penetration, resulting in higher yields.
To begin the ScrOG process, position the screen above your growing medium, preferably hydroponics. Allow the plants to grow through the netting, gently manipulating the branches to spread evenly across each net hole. This method helps create a more uniform canopy and ensures that every flower receives direct light from the lighting setup above the netting. Additionally, it is advisable to remove any growth on the base of the plant to focus energy on the upper canopy.
In terms of lighting, LED lights or compact fluorescent CFL grows lights are suitable for indoor cultivation. LED lights should be placed approximately 18 inches away from the plants, while CFL lights can be kept closer due to their lower intensity. It is important to maintain the appropriate distance to prevent heat stress and ensure healthy photosynthesis. If necessary, install an exhaust or cooling system to regulate the temperature in the grow room.
Outdoor Growing
Super Silver Haze can also be grown outdoors, particularly in regions with a warm climate and a longer growing season. This strain typically flowers in October, and under optimal conditions, each plant can yield up to 15 ounces of high-quality weed. However, keep in mind that the flowering time for Super Silver Haze can range from 56 to 77 days, with some phenotypes requiring additional time. To protect the plants from adverse weather conditions, it is advisable to use greenhouses or other suitable structures.
Tips for Successful Cultivation
To ensure the best possible results when growing Super Silver Haze, here are some additional tips and considerations:
Balance Water and Nutrient Intake
Overwatering and overfeeding are common mistakes that can hinder plant growth. It is crucial to find the right balance between watering and nutrient intake. Allow enough time between watering sessions to ensure that the plant’s roots have sufficient access to oxygen. Overwatering can cause yellowing or falling leaves, indicating that the plants are receiving too much water. To avoid this, check the moisture levels in the soil by inserting your finger about an inch deep. If the soil feels dry, it’s time to water the plants. On the other hand, if the soil feels moist, wait a few days before watering again.
When it comes to nutrient intake, Super Silver Haze requires less feeding compared to indica-dominant strains. During the vegetative stage, the plant benefits from high levels of nitrogen, but it is essential to maintain a balanced dosing to prevent nutrient burn. Signs of nutrient burn include unusual colors on the branches, stalks, and leaves, as well as curled and yellowed leaf tips. Gradually introduce the nutrient mix and monitor the plant’s response before increasing the dosage.
Temperature and Humidity
Maintaining the right temperature and humidity levels is crucial for the successful cultivation of Super Silver Haze. This strain thrives in warm, humid climates with temperatures ranging between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Sudden drops in room temperature can impede the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients, leading to stunted growth. Aim for a daytime temperature of around 75-77°F during the seedling stage, gradually increasing to 80-82°F during the vegetative stage. As the plant enters the flowering stage, reduce the temperature to around 72°F, and further decrease to about 68°F during the late flowering period.
Humidity levels should also be carefully monitored, especially during the early and vegetative stages. Super Silver Haze benefits from relatively high humidity to prevent dry air from overworking the leaves. Maintain a relative humidity of 65-80% during the seedling stage and 60-70% during the vegetative stage. As the plant progresses into the flowering stage, decrease the humidity levels to around 45% and then to approximately 35% during the late flowering stage. To lower humidity levels, consider using a dehumidifier or exhaust fan vent to remove excess moisture from the grow room.
Choosing the Right Growing Medium
Super Silver Haze seeds can be successfully cultivated in both hydroponic and soil setups. Hydroponics tends to yield earlier harvests compared to soil gardens. If you opt for hydroponics, consider using rockwool or coconut fiber as the growing medium. Rockwool provides excellent moisture retention and allows for optimal oxygen flow. Coconut fiber, on the other hand, contains plant-stimulating hormones that contribute to healthier and more resilient plants.
When growing in soil, choose a dark and nutrient-rich soil with good drainage and water retention properties. Loam soil, which consists of sand, silt, and a small amount of clay, is highly recommended for cultivating Super Silver Haze. To enhance the soil’s fertility, you can add organic solutions such as fish meal, worm castings, and kelp, or prepare a liquid compost solution using these ingredients. It is crucial to maintain a neutral pH range for soil cultivation and ensure that the plants receive the necessary nutrients from a trusted grow shop.
Growing Super Silver Haze cannabis requires dedication and attention to detail, but the rewards are well worth the effort. By implementing training techniques, maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels, and providing balanced nutrition, you can cultivate healthy and high-yielding plants.
If you are interested in buying the best cannabis seeds online, you can check out They have lots of good reviews and offer discreet packaging. Whether you choose to grow indoors or outdoors, Super Silver Haze is a strain that will continue to captivate cannabis enthusiasts with its unique high, and remarkable genetic lineage.